Monday, January 30, 2017

WDA Skills Challenge

Thirteen members of the Conroe Diving Club and coaches Bill Travis and Nancy Vear attended the 2017 WDA Skills Challenge meet on Saturday January 28 held at the CISD Natatorium. The Conroe Diving Club brought home 18 total medals including 11 gold, five silver and two bronze. Double gold medals were captured by Ethan Osborne (9&U silver 1M / 9&U bronze 3M) and Aidan Schleis (13&O silver 1M / 13&O bronze 3M) in their respective events. Individual gold medal winners include Emily Adams (13&O silver 3M), Kennedy Greis (9&U bronze 1M), Hope Howard (13&O gold 3M), Brody Johnson (10-12 gold 1M), Henry McKnight (9&U bronze 1M), Lillian McKnight (10-12 bronze 1M) and Adriana Zimmerman (13&O silver 1M). Silver medal were brought home by Emily Adams (13&O silver 3M), Asher Carelton (9&U bronze 1M and 3M) and Tirion Daniel (10-12 bronze 1M) while teammates Austin Whitten (9&U bronze 1M) and Olivia Whitten (9&U bronze 1M) earned bronze medals.

It was a fun event for the kids and a very well run meet. I would like to congratulate all the divers for participating in this meet and gaining valuable experience about the sport of diving. I would also like to recognize the following divers for competing in their first AAU event: Tirion Daniel, Kennedy Greis, Austin Whitten, Olivia Whitten and Adriana Zimmerman.

See you at the pool. 

Coach Bill

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